Communications and Technology Volunteers

Below is a list of volunteer opportunities in the Communications and Technology ministry
Shoot, selects, and edit photos of special events for promotional usage online and in print.  
Frequency: congregation-wide events throughout the year
Length of Commitment: 1-2 hours
Location: church campus
Contact: Esther Patrick,
Proofread weekly worship bulletin
Frequency: Every Tuesday afternoon
Length of Commitment: 30 to 45 minutes
Location: Church Office
Contact: Esther Patrick,
Camera Operator
Operate the cameras for live streaming of worship and special events. Training provided.
Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Worship and special events
Length of Commitment: 2 hours
Location: Sanctuary
Contact: Jen Day,
Sound Technician
Operate the soundboard to ensure optimal sound for recorded and live-streamed services. Training provided.
Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m., and special events
Length of Commitment: 2 hours
Location: Sanctuary/Monteith Hall
Contact: Rol Kibler,