It's Better Together

by Christine Larson

“Seeing” joy is a wonderful experience.  Bob joined the first Habitat for Humanity mission trip to Dumaguete in 1999.  On returning he said to me, “join us!” The mission is amazing, and the Philippine people and their community are open and caring.  Bob worked with a man and his family to complete a house.  It was as simple as that, and also profoundly rewarding.

I joined the next build, along with Bob, this time, in a different location in Dumaguete.  Well into the build, working with the team I was assigned, there was a commotion.  A man was sprinting down the road to our work site.  “An emergency” was whispered.  Another worker proceeded toward the runner, and then stepped aside.   No concern.  In seconds our sprinter threw his arms around Bob and lifted him the air.  Bob heartily and joyfully embraced his friend.

Bob helped build this man’s house. The house they had build together meant more than words alone could express. It provided shelter and his family made it a home.   The house was built through Habitat, by others in the Dumaguete community, and Bob.  The man heard Bob was back in Dumaquete, sought him out, found him, and expressed what words sometimes  can not.  It was a moment of joy for all.