Our goal is to make your first visit feel like you have come home…for indeed, you have! The following is a snapshot of what you can expect as a first-time visitor to First Pres.
Who Will Be There?
People that are visiting family and friends in Ann Arbor, those moving to our community, those seeking a new church home, long-time members and regular attenders - in short, people of all ages and backgrounds! Because we are are adjacent to the University of Michigan campus, we have a regular influx of students and faculty at all services. Although we are a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation, we have many folks from other faith backgrounds. We value the diversity of our theological journeys and appreciate our differences as we seek to know and love the God we know in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
What to Wear?
We promote a “come as you are” atmosphere for worship. Worshipers wear everything from khakis to dresses or suits. In this university community, people often dress more casually. Our youth often wear jeans or shorts. Our older members tend to dress more formally. Feel free to wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable.
Entering the Church Building
Greeters are at all the entrances to the buildings on Sunday mornings. They are there to help you feel welcome and find your way. Please feel free to ask any question you may have. If the greeter or usher doesn’t know the answer, he or she will certainly know where to find it. Clergy can easily be identified by their clerical collars. Don’t hesitate to approach us. We all love to help!
The Worship Experience
You will be greeted again as you enter the sanctuary. An usher will provide a bulletin that includes the Order of Worship, and announcements. They will escort you (if desired) to a seat of your choice, or escort those in need of child care or Sunday School rooms to their desired location. You can get a hearing-assist device from an usher if you are attending the 9:30 am service. Our music is both diverse and traditional. It is lively and joyous! In every service, we sing familiar hymns, as well as try new ones. Please consider joining in with our Chancel Choir or any of our youth choirs or youth programs. For more information on these, leave a note in the pew pad, speak to a pastor, or call the Church Office.
There is a supply of Assistive Listening Devices that connect directly to the sanctuary sound system to make sure you get a clear personal audio signal. We have units with ear speakers (one ear) or you can use your personal headphone or earbuds. We also have some units paired with an over-the-neck for listeners with telecoil-equipped hearing aids or cochlear implants. Ask your usher to check out a device.
Click on the image to the right to find out more!
Communion and Baptism
We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at the 8:00 a.m. service each week. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate this Sacrament at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary. For communion, folks come forward as the ushers direct them, take a wafer or piece of bread (gluten-free wafers are available in the small cups on the trays held by the servers), and a cup of juice, then take the elements back to their seats. For the first Sunday of the month, at the 9:30 service, people bring non-perishable food items forward during the last hymn. As we are fed at the Lord's Table, we invite you to share from your gifts as we help feed the hungry.
The Sacrament of Baptism is offered to people of all ages who request it and take a baptism preparation class. For infant baptism, one of the parents must be a member of the church, in good standing. To inquire about joining, or about scheduling a baptism, contact the Church Office.
We Want to Welcome You
During the service, a Friendship Pad is passed for all worshipers to sign. Please take a moment to sign it so church members can greet you after the service and so we may send you a personal welcome during the following week. Your email, phone number, and address will be helpful to us, and we promise not to share with with anyone. It is limited to use in our ministry of hospitality. You will not be identified in a public way as a visitor. We understand that some people prefer to worship anonymously. If you share your email address, you will begin to receive a very brief weekly email, with a few highlights coming in weeks ahead at First Pres. This is something you can easily opt out of if you wish.
Our church, like all congregations, is sustained by the time and treasure of members and friends. Most members of the church pledge a certain amount of support each year, so that the church can form a budget. As a guest, we feel that your presence with us is your gift to us. You should feel no obligation to give. If you choose to give, there are envelopes in the pews that you can use for cash or checks.
What Happens After Church and Between Services?
In a word…lots! After the 8 a.m. service, fellowship is held in the Social Hall, to meet and greet old and new friends. After the 9:30 service, at 10:30 a.m, worshipers are invited to come to the Social Hall (one floor beneath the Sanctuary) and get a cup of coffee and a homemade cookie. Church members will greet you, and you are encouraged to greet others. On most Sundays, there will be tables with information about upcoming activities.
Click here to find out more about the Children's and Youth Faith Formation Classes at 11:00 a.m.
Click here to find out more about Adult Faith Formation Classes at 11:00 a.m.
Need More Information?
The Welcome Center is located on the floor where you enter the building. It is staffed by a friendly and knowledgeable church member during regular business hours.
Also at the welcome center you can find various brochures about our church programs, and pick up sermons by our pastors over the last three months. You may also find posters with information about upcoming activities, and sign up for events there.