Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent: it is a gathering where readings and prayers introduce a season for reflection and prayer, as well as a time to take intentional action of love and justice. The imparting of ashes—a time when people can choose to receive the sign of the cross marked in ashes on their foreheads—is a tangible, tender act of blessing and a reminder for people of all ages that we are human beings, and that our lives here aren’t permanent, but they are precious, beautiful and beloved. We invite you to join us this Wednesday.


Imposition of Ashes

8:00 a.m. & Noon

First Pres clergy will be in and around Washtenaw Ave. entrance at 8:00 a.m. and noon to offer the imposition of ashes and blessing.


Family Service

5:30 p.m. | Monteith Hall

A service for all ages


Ecumenical Taizé Prayer Service

7:00 pm | Sanctuary

A service organized in partnership with other local faith communities